Thursday, May 5, 2011


  The Anulom violoma Prayayama is very very important pranayama. The Anulom Viloma Pranyama is other wise calling as Sarva roga nivarani ( Cures all diseases) and Nadi Suthi Prayayama ( Purifies all channels of the body) The Anulom Vilom activate all 72000 of Nadies in the body and also rejuvenate all systems in the body.

Sit in a comfortable position either in Padmasana or Vajrasana, keep spinal cord straight head straight left hand Mudra facing the sky and close your eyes.

First step: Close your right nostril  with your right hand thumb and then slowly inhale through your left nostril to fill your lungs with full capacity. Remember , for the practice of this pranayama, always start and finish the breathing from the left nostril.

Second Step: Close your left nostril with your right hand two centre fingers and then open your right nostril by removing your right thumb and slowly exhale through your right nostril to empty your lungs.

Third step: In the same position (with left side nostril closed), slowly inhale through your right side nostril to fill your lungs with full capacity and then close your right nostril with right hand  thumb. After opening your left nostril and exhale slowly  through your left nostril.(Avoid abrupt and violent inhalation or Exhalations)

Like that, one should practice Annulom vilum Pranayama regularly every day morning 5 to 10 mts in the open and air circulation area to activate ida Nadi  and Pingala Nadi. When activate these two Nadies, automatically the shusmna Nadi will activate. Practice this Pranayama for 10  to 15 minutes in the morning before sun rise.

One should do it slow inhalation and slow exhalation don't do it fast. Inhalation minimum 5seconds and exhalation minimum 5 seconds.


 Ida Nadi is sanskrit word. Ida means 'comfort' and is located on our left nostril. This is other wise calling as Chandra nadi (Moon nadi) This nadi controls brain or mental related process. This Ida nadi improves thinking power ( Brain power)  also gives cooling effect your brain and ultimate nourishment to the body and mind and soul.


The Pingala Nadi, is other wise calling as Surya Nadi ( Sun Nadi or Solar Nadi). The right side nostril is call called Pingala Nadi. It is responsible for body growth and provides energy to the body.


 When we activate both Ida Nadi and Pingala nadi properly, the Sushumna Nadi will automatically   activate all your systems in your body. The human body having thousands of systems. Among all the following Eight systems are very very important.
Immunisation System,nervous system, respiratory system, blood regulator system,digestive system, excretory system, skeleton system, and reproductive system.


  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Removes blocks in heart and lungs.
  • Protects from hyper tension ( B.P ).
  • Brings ccholesterol under control.
  • Get rid of tonsillitis and thyroid problem.
  • Prevents and cures Parkinson disease.
  • Also cures Margarine headache.
  • Keeps in very good general health for ever.


Sit in either sidhasana or Padmasana. Always keep your spinal straight, head straight, mudhara facing the sky. Keep your mind cool and calm. No thinking  in mind, entire concentration on breathing. Deep inhalation and Deep exhalation. Deep Breath in and breath out. Inhalation slowly and steadily with minimum 5 seconds. The same way exhalation slowly and steadily at least 5 seconds.

The Bhastika pranayam  is very important pranayama, it activate entire respiratory system in our body. It improves the function of lungs. Our lungs having 72 millions  of cells, we are using only one third of it  in normal breathing. Through bhastrika Pranayama, we can activate all our lung cells and improve the Oxygen intake capacity. The Oxygen is most important for all living beings. With out oxygen, there is no life. The Bhastika pranayama is  not only improves the in take of Oxygen but also gives you energy for your body. Bhastika pranayama nothing but energizing exercise.

Benefits: The Bhastika pranayam cures and controls  number of disorders like: It cures High per tension (High B.P), It removes nose blockage, running nose, cold, cough, allergic bronchitis, asthma, migraine head ache, palpitation, sinus and Parkinson diseases. Not only that your providing Oxygen each and every part and cells of the body. So, it removes skin rashes, skin diseases and also bright your skin.

It can be practiced either  in the morning before Sun rise or before sun set in the evening. One can practice every day  minimum 5 mts to 10 minutes.