Saturday, November 7, 2009


Yoga is an essential part of life on earth to cure oneself from physical and mental ailments to keep a disease free from body and mind. The human beings on earth having capacity to adjust themselves from time to time to the prevailing environment. Like atmospheric pressure,temperature, different gases in the atmosphere.
Yoga improves our metabolism system. The metabolism is most important to keep your body healthy. Yoga  fine tunes the metabolism system in our body. Yoga removes all disorders in human  body. Yoga, particularly Kapalbathi Pranayama activate all your internal organs. It activate internal organs like heart, lungs, liver, gallbladder, kidney,small intestine, big intestine,stomach,Pancreas, spleen, for ladies it activates ovaries and uterus. For gents, it activate prostrate gland enlargement. The Onulom Vilom Pranayama is activate all Nadis in human body. There are 72000 of Nadies available in human body. The anulom Vilom activate all 72 thousands of nadies in human body.

Yoga particularly, Asanas activate external organs, skeleton system, nerves system , blood regulatory system and improves flexibility of body. Improves hormones secretions.

Each every activities of yoga is its own benefits.

Through yoga  one can unify and purify the Body Mind and Soul.

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