Saturday, February 13, 2010


The worship of the sun is the worship of God. It removes weakness caused by worries and diseases.Suryanamaskar is itself a complete exercise and can be practised by all. It has got several benifits. It activate glands of the endocrinal system and improves pancreas,adrenal,Thyroid,Pituitary and a few other glands function normally.Suryanamaskar removes several disorders of stomatch,Spine,lungs and chest.Suryanamaskaram having 12 steps (Combination of 12 Asamnas). Each steps having its own benifits.

Monday, February 1, 2010



Cholesterol is a soft substance like wax. Produced in liver, this substance mixes with blood and travels to all parts of the body and helps in the production of different harmones. Too much of production makes it to get deposited on the blood vessels., obstructing the free flow of blood leading to ANTHEROSCEROSIS,  which may lead to chest pain, paralysis and sudden death.

Cholesterol Or Fat:
Fat - not only gives energy but also help us digest vitamins.They are two types of fats saturated fats and unsaturated fats.
Saturated fats: Saturated fats increases the cholesterol in our body. Saturated fat is found in animal flesh like chicken, eggs, milk, cheese,coconut oil, palm oil. Usually it condenses at the minimum temperature.
Unsaturated fats: This does not get condensed at the fridge temperature. There are two types of unsaturated fats, poly unsatuated fats and mono unsaturated fats.
Sunflower oil, Soya bean oil, kardy oil, rice brane oil  etc., are comes under poly unsaturated fats. Groundnut oil, gingilli oil, olive oil etc are comes under mono unsaturated fats.Better to use poly unsaturated fatty acids in our daily life.

Human blood having two types lipo Proteins in the cholesterol. High density Lipo Proteins (HDL) and second one is Low Density Lipo Proteins (LDL)


The high density Lipo Proteins (HDL) is  try to obstruct the cholestrol from getting deposited on to the inner walls of the blood vessels. So, it is called as good cholesterol. The Low density Lipo Protins (LDL) is try to obstruct the blood flow and lead to heart diseases and paralysis. So it is called bad cholesterol.
If the blood cholesterol is more than 200mg, your doctor will send your blood sample for lipo protein analysis. It will be analysed in the lab and a report sent regarding the content of HDL and LDL in the blood. If the LDL  is 130, it is good, your are safe. If it exceeds 130, the doctor will advise you to be careful about your food and it exceeds more than160, he will reccommand for medication to reduce the cholesterol.

  • Avoiding using cooking oil containing saturated fats like palm oil. coconut oil. ghee, vanaspathi etc.
  • Don't fry until the curries are burnt,
  • Use skimmed milk alone in tea or coffee.
  • Don't use more  sugar,
  • Avoid mutton and non-vegeterian foods,
  • Take more carrot,cabbage and onion,
  • Good exercise every day,
  • Practice Yoga  (both Asana and Pranayamam every day)
  • Kapalbathi is important pranayama to control Cholosterol(Ref my article on Pranayama)
  • Use only quality Rice bran oil regularly.
     AGE        HDL ( mig/dl) LDL ( mig/dl)

Ordinary High Ordinary High

Male            Risk- Risk    Risk- Risk

15 to 19 age 165- 183    109- 123

20 to 29 age 194- 216    128- 148

30 to 39 age 218- 244    149- 171

10 to 49 age 231- 254    160- 180

50 and above 230- 256   166- 188


15 to 19 age 173- 195   115- 135

20 to 29 age 184- 208   127- 148

30 to 39 age 202- 220   143- 163

10 to 49 age 223- 246   155- 177

50 and above 252- 281  170- 195

For more details contact e.mail