Tuesday, September 21, 2010



Amla is called as Indian gooseberry. it is a rich source of vitamin C, amino acid, polyphenolic compounds, lipids and other essential oils. It may be compared with ‘Amrita’ (nectar) of the heavens owing to the medicinal qualities of this divine fruit. Its regular consumption is an anti-dote for many ailments/disorders like acidity, septic fever, vomiting, insomnia, defective vision etc.

Due to its medicinal qualities the Hindus treat it is a very sacred tree and worship on ‘AkshayaNavami’. In the Kartik month (mid Oct. to mid Nov.) if one takes its dose regularly it provides complete protection against all the disorders due to cold. Amla is unique as it doesn’t leave its chemical ingredient even if it is heated. Each and every parts of the tree are usefull. It also has the atmosphere purifying qualities. Amla is best  source to get Vitamin C from, it also has gallic acid, tannic acid, sugar, albumen, calcium, protein, phosphorus, carbohydrates, irons etc.

Amla as general tonic:

Taking Amla and black sesame seeds in equal quantity with honey or ghee cures mental and physical weaknesses.

To revitalize brain take a cupful of sugarless milk with Amla powder.

Taking even one raw Amla every morning even with water makes one’s body enough resistance to fight with various ailments.

As an eye tonic and cure of eye ailments:

Washing eyes with cool water having Amla powder soaked and strained is good for the eyes and it also improves eye-sight.

Applying pulp of Amla on the head and washing the hair after massage helps in curing burning sensation in the eyes and heaviness of the head. (See also : Remedies for premature graying of hair)

Having Amla powder with honey not only keeps eyes bright and shining but it is also very good for the digestive system.

For curing head and heart ailments:

Taking one spoon of Amla powder every day in the morning cures physical and mental debility. Taking Amla juice is ideal for keeping your head and eyes strong.

For Curing involuntary nocturnal emission:

Taking 10 gms of fresh Amla juice with 1 gm. of powdered turmeric and honey every morning and evening cures this problem.

Taking Amla water (soak dried Amla powder in 1:3 proportion in water for 12 hours, strain the water and mix 1 gm. turmeric powder) regularly helps in curing night discharge problem. (See also : Remedies for Sexual Impotence)

Applying paste of Amla near the naval portion helps in curing urinary problem. Boil 20 gm. pulp of dried Amla in 160 gms. water till 40 gms. is left. Then mix 20 gms. of Gur (Jaggary) in it. Drinking this potion helps in urinary problem.

Taking 20 gms fresh Amla Juice with 10 gms. of honey and water twice a day cures problem connected with urination.

Acidity and Gastric and Digestive Problem :

One tea spoon of dried Amla powder with honey or ghee after dinner checks acidity. (See also : Remedies for acid peptic ulcers)

Taking Amla juice or powder with honey purifies blood.

Taking 5 gms. of powder ( 20 gms. black pepper, 10 gms. 5 gms. of neem leaves and mehandi leaves in powder form) with a glass of water twice a day cures all impurities of blood.

Controles Diabetes:

Taking fresh Amla juice  small quantity of honey checks diabetes.


Taking Amla powder with radish helps in checking stone in bladder by breaking the stones and throwing it out with urine. The best time to have them is morning or evening.


Have 1 tsp dried Amla powder with milk or water before retiring for the day. It helps in imparting movements to the bowels and keeping the system clean. Also taking strained water of mashed fresh Amlas soaked overnight in lukewarm water helps in evacuating the bowels. Taking 4 tsp fresh Amla juice and 3 tsp honey mixed in a glass of water relieves constipation. If constipation is caused by worms, take about 20 gms. fresh juice of Amla every day to kill the worms.

Cold and cough:

Taking two tsp of fresh Amla juice with honey twice a day helps in taking out the phlegm and controls cold. Also, taking milk in which a little Amla powder and ghee boiled in the evening helps in dry cough. Licking Amla powder with honey regularly twice or thrice a day also cures chronic dry cough.

Skin troubles:

If there is the problem of extreme dryness of the skin, taking tea boiled with pieces of Amla in it mixed with sugar and milk helps greatly. Itching problem is cured by applying Amla paste in chameli oil (dry Amlas in shade, powder them and mix them in chameli-Jasmine oil. The mixture apply on the part of the body. You comfortable and removes the itching.

Baldness and other allied problems:

Washing the head with Amla juice mixed with water after rubbing the scalp for 10-15 mts. with fresh Amla juice helps in restoring the vitality of hair. Soak dried Amla,Henna and Shikakai Powder in an iron utensil overnight and mesh them nicely, washing your hair regularly with this strengthens the hair and checks hair loss.

Applying the paste of Amla powder mixed in lemon juice on the hair 10 to 15 mts. before washing them with Amla water keeps the hair strong and shining.

Dying the hair with the following herbal paste makes them turn automatically black and strong. Make the paste of Amla and Mehandi leaves and apply it on the hair. Keep it applied for about 15 to 20 mts. Then wash it off with lukewarm water. This will make your hair black and shining.

Massaging the head with Amla oil imparts natural glow to hair, relieves mental tension and induces sleep.

Cures Jaundice:

Soak 4 Munnakkas (big raisins) in juice of 4 fresh Amla. After one hour grind the soaked munakkas and mix it with Amla juice. Taking this potion twice a day gives relief in Jaundice.

Mix a churna in the following way. Grind each of Amla, dry ginger (Read more on health benefits of ginger), black pepper, 3 gms. of iron bhasm and little turmeric. Lick this paste mixed with a teaspoonful honey helps cure Jaundice.

Controls Gout:

Taking fresh Amla juice with old ghee-heated a little-regularly for a few says relieves stiffness of joints and helps in curing gout.

Removing the spots left by measles, chicken pox, small-pox:

Take bath with the water having Amla juice mixed in it. Also, apply the paste made of Amla and til in equal quantity ground in cold milk added with 3 or 4 drops of rose water on spots and let it stay for sometime and then wash it off with Amla soaked water.

Lices in hair:

Applying the paste of ground seeds of Amla mixed with lemon- especially on the roots of the hair and washing after half an hour will clear the lices from the hair. Even when washing it off use the water having little of Amla juice.

Amla as the beautifying agent:

Application of the Amla paste mixed with turmeric and- olive oil on- body makes the skin clear, soft and improves the complexion.

Drinking Amla juice mixed with honey in the morning makes the complexion glowing and blemishes.

Application of the Amla paste on the face and washing it off after 10 to 15 mts class pimples and heals up the spots so created.

Checking menstrual disorder:

Take boiled pulp of Amla with honey two times a day relieves the pain in the bleeding.

Taking Amla juice mixed with ripe banana 3 to 4 times a day during periods-checks profuse bleeding.


Applying the paste made of Triphala powder mixed with cow urine-on the affected part-relieves the poisonous effects of insects. Drinking Amla juice will also help in such cases.

General maintenance of health:

Also, taking Chyavanprash (having enough of Amla) in the morning is also very good tonic for maintaining good health.

Taking sharbat of Amla in summers keeps the body cool even in the height of summers.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Conducting FREE Yoga Class at Sivan Park, K.K.Nagar Chennai.

Organised Yoga Training Programme at Anna Aragam K.K. Nagar



HEALTH ‘N’ YOGA AWARENESS CAMPAIGN has conducted at Sivan park k.K Nagar , Chennai on 20th Feb 2010 to promote and educate the people about the Yoga and its benefits. In this connection, we have invited Chief guest Kalaimamani Dr. Hema. MBBS , Phd ( yoga). The function was celebrated successfully, with good strength of 75 people, majority of the participants were ladies. The chief guest explained to the audience about the benefits of yoga. She explained to audience, how to control generic disorders like Hyper Tension, diabetes, and asthma through Yoga. The participants have shown much involvement and interest to know the yoga therapy treatment. Participants have also asked number of questions on yoga therapy. The chief guest also patiently explained to the audience.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


The worship of the sun is the worship of God. It removes weakness caused by worries and diseases.Suryanamaskar is itself a complete exercise and can be practised by all. It has got several benifits. It activate glands of the endocrinal system and improves pancreas,adrenal,Thyroid,Pituitary and a few other glands function normally.Suryanamaskar removes several disorders of stomatch,Spine,lungs and chest.Suryanamaskaram having 12 steps (Combination of 12 Asamnas). Each steps having its own benifits.

Monday, February 1, 2010



Cholesterol is a soft substance like wax. Produced in liver, this substance mixes with blood and travels to all parts of the body and helps in the production of different harmones. Too much of production makes it to get deposited on the blood vessels., obstructing the free flow of blood leading to ANTHEROSCEROSIS,  which may lead to chest pain, paralysis and sudden death.

Cholesterol Or Fat:
Fat - not only gives energy but also help us digest vitamins.They are two types of fats saturated fats and unsaturated fats.
Saturated fats: Saturated fats increases the cholesterol in our body. Saturated fat is found in animal flesh like chicken, eggs, milk, cheese,coconut oil, palm oil. Usually it condenses at the minimum temperature.
Unsaturated fats: This does not get condensed at the fridge temperature. There are two types of unsaturated fats, poly unsatuated fats and mono unsaturated fats.
Sunflower oil, Soya bean oil, kardy oil, rice brane oil  etc., are comes under poly unsaturated fats. Groundnut oil, gingilli oil, olive oil etc are comes under mono unsaturated fats.Better to use poly unsaturated fatty acids in our daily life.

Human blood having two types lipo Proteins in the cholesterol. High density Lipo Proteins (HDL) and second one is Low Density Lipo Proteins (LDL)


The high density Lipo Proteins (HDL) is  try to obstruct the cholestrol from getting deposited on to the inner walls of the blood vessels. So, it is called as good cholesterol. The Low density Lipo Protins (LDL) is try to obstruct the blood flow and lead to heart diseases and paralysis. So it is called bad cholesterol.
If the blood cholesterol is more than 200mg, your doctor will send your blood sample for lipo protein analysis. It will be analysed in the lab and a report sent regarding the content of HDL and LDL in the blood. If the LDL  is 130, it is good, your are safe. If it exceeds 130, the doctor will advise you to be careful about your food and it exceeds more than160, he will reccommand for medication to reduce the cholesterol.

  • Avoiding using cooking oil containing saturated fats like palm oil. coconut oil. ghee, vanaspathi etc.
  • Don't fry until the curries are burnt,
  • Use skimmed milk alone in tea or coffee.
  • Don't use more  sugar,
  • Avoid mutton and non-vegeterian foods,
  • Take more carrot,cabbage and onion,
  • Good exercise every day,
  • Practice Yoga  (both Asana and Pranayamam every day)
  • Kapalbathi is important pranayama to control Cholosterol(Ref my article on Pranayama)
  • Use only quality Rice bran oil regularly.
     AGE        HDL ( mig/dl) LDL ( mig/dl)

Ordinary High Ordinary High

Male            Risk- Risk    Risk- Risk

15 to 19 age 165- 183    109- 123

20 to 29 age 194- 216    128- 148

30 to 39 age 218- 244    149- 171

10 to 49 age 231- 254    160- 180

50 and above 230- 256   166- 188


15 to 19 age 173- 195   115- 135

20 to 29 age 184- 208   127- 148

30 to 39 age 202- 220   143- 163

10 to 49 age 223- 246   155- 177

50 and above 252- 281  170- 195

For more details contact e.mail id.www.healthnyoga@gmail.com

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


HIGH B.P has become more common now,  than it was a few centuries ago. In the industrial age,unable to face day to day problems,with calm courage, man succumbs to stress and strain.


If the B.P becomes too high, it is called Hypertension. In the case of people subjected to both mental and physical strain the high B.P may become higher and leads to hypertension. But, if the person is suffering from hypertension, his B.P will be very high even though he may not have any stress. The heart goes on pumping the blood into the arteries and see that it reaches all the part of the body. For this purpose, the heart contracts and the blood flow out from the heart into the blood vessels with great speed. This pressure, created in the blood due to the contracting of the heart,is called SYSTOLIC PRESSURE.
When the heart expands and comes back to normal state again certain amount of pressure is created in the blood which is called DIASTOLIC PRESSURE .

The blood is usually measured in millimeters as :



Generally the systolic pressure lies between 100 -120 for all age groups in normal health conditions, though according to some , it is 90. It varies from person to person and again, as age advances, the systolic Pressure too increases.

Diastolic Pressure remains between 60 - 90 in normal conditions, irrespective of age.
Emotional states like anger which every human being experiences will exercise their influence on B.P. mental pressure, excitement, fear and anxiety increase the B.P. When the person gets back to normal state, the B.P too comes to the original level.


Hypertension is seen more in men than in women. Also more in the middle aged and old aged people.


If the B.P is not checked properly the following problems may arise.
  1. Life span will come down
  2. Coronary artery problem
  3. Brain Hemorrhage
  4. Paralysis
  5. Headaches
  6. Kidney problem
B.P - Silent killer:
This is un-happy to say that, no one can realise that he has B.P. It is because external symptoms will not be visible in B.P like as other diseases.
Many people with high B.P may not aware that they are suffering from high B.P . It is possible only by frequent check up of B.P test.

  • Reduce in-take of Salt
  • No  smoking,
  • Stop Alcohol,
  • Avoid Fat content Foods,
  • Avoid Non Veg Food,
  • Consume More Water,
  • Avoid unwanted Arguments,
  • Relax With Music,
  • Avoid tensions,
  • Avoid anger,
  • Practice Yoga Regularly,
  • Practice Pranayamam Regularly,
  • (a) Bhastika Pranayama
  • (b) Anulom vilom
  • Practice Asana Regularly,
  • (a) Shanithi Asana,
  • (b) Bhujagasana,
  • (c) Relaxing exercise.

    Note:  Check B.P every month

    For More details contact email ID.www.healthnyoga@gmail.com

Friday, January 22, 2010


It is not an exaggeration to say that more than 10% of  people suffer from diabetes in our country. There is no age restriction to the disease from a week baby to 60 year old to effect the disease.
what is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a disorder of metabolism, the way our bodies  use digested food for growth and energy. Most of the food we eat is broken down into glucose. After digestion, the glucose mix with  bloodstream, where it is used by cells for growth and energy.For glucose to get into cells, insulin must be present . Insulin is hormone produced by the Pancreas, a large gland behind the stomach.
When we eat, the pancreas automatically produce the right quantity of INSULIN  to move glucose from blood into our cells. Generally, people with diabetes, however, the pancreas either produces little or no insulin, or the cells do not respond appropriately to the insulin that is produced. Glucose builds up in the blood, overflows into urine, and passes out of the body in the urine. Thus. the body loses its main sources of fuel even though the blood contains large quantities of glucose.

- Frequent urination
- Too much Thirst
- Too much hunger
- Loss of weight
- Loss of vision
- Tiredness
- Delayed healing of wounds or cuts
- Numbness in the hands and legs
- Weakness
- itching sensation
- Skin diseases
- Burning feeling while passing urine
- Too much white discharge in woman.

- Fasting blood sugar - early morning in empty stomach is 80 mg to 115mg.
- Post paradial blood sugar - Two hours after food is below 140 is normal.
If the blood sugar is above 200mg. along with other symptoms. the person is said to suffer diabetes.

  • Hereditary,
  • Over Eating ,
  • Over Weight,
  • Lack of Exercise,
  • Mental stress and strain,
  • Due to Some Drugs,
  • Because of Age,
  • Because of Contagious diseases.

A Diabetes will attract a variety of diseases. Diabetes can effect any part of the body like Eyes, Kidneys, Blood vessels, Nervous and Heart. Once those parts are affected, it is really difficult to get back to normal condition. Besides, the patient will subject himself to much agony. So, it is better to keep oneself away from those complications by practicing Yoga, good food habits,regular exercise and proper drugs, before it becomes too late.

YOGA : Ancient Indian medical system, Ayurveda, the philosophy of which also encompasses Yoga, considers diabetes as a psychosomatic disorder with causative factors being sedentary habits, physical, emotional and mental stress.
Yoga postures were developed thousands of years ago in India and were designed to assist man to counteract the effectof living a life far different from the one we were designed to live by nature.
All Asanas and Pranayama techchniques meant to treat diabetes, are known to infulence in the following ways:
1. Direct influence on Pancreatic secretion by rejuvenation of the pancrearic cells, through alternate abdominal contraction and relaxation.
2.  Reduction ib blood sugar due to muscular exercise involved in Asanas.
3.  Yoga changes one's attitude towards life by developing mental relaxation and balance.
4.  Reducing the activity of autonomic nervous system.
5.  Reducing the weight of the individual.
6.  Providing will power to follow the strict diet regimen required.
Consumption of daily doses of medicines can be drastically reduced and eventually stopped by the continuous practice of Yoga.This is scientifically proved fact.
  • Kapalpathi Pranayam
  • Bhahaya Pranayam
  • Agnisar Pranayam
  • Suryanamaskarm
  • Mandukasana
  • Pavana Mukthsana
  • Divya Chakrasana
  • Markatasana
  • Brisk Walking 1/2 to 1 hr

Amala,Garlic,Pumpkin, Bitter gourd, Onion, Tomato, Papaya, Snake gourd, ladies fingers. drumstick fresh and cooked vegetable leaves. Take Menthi leaves and menthi powder regularly.

- Sugar, Honey,Jaggery,glucose and all sweets,
- Cashew nuts,almond,Pista, Dry grapes,
- Cool drinks, alcohol, Horlicks, Boost, Complan,
- Tender coconut water and tender coconut,
- Banana, mango, Jack fruit,custard apple,Sapota,
- Maida, cakes,glucose biscuits,
- Potatoes, and all root Vegetables,
- Ghee, butter, Cheese, coconut oil, Palm oil,Gingelly Oil etc.,


Low Blood Sugar means  not having enough sugar or glucose in the blood. Low  blood sugar is also called hypoglycemia, insulin shock, or insulin reaction. Glucose is needed by the body cells. A normal blood sugar level is 80 - 120mg in Fasting.  When the blood sugar is below 70 is called low sugar. The normal blood sugar level  less than 180 to 200mg % after two hours of food.