Saturday, July 2, 2011


The Kapalabhati Pranayam is one of the Important and exciting Pranayama. The kapalabhati  Pranayam purifes your body.The kapalabhati pranayama activate all your internal organs. It rejuvenate internal organs. It activate your internal organs like heart,esophagus,nostrils lungs,liver, gallbladder, kidney, small intestine, big intestine, spleen, stomach and pancreas. For ladies, it activate ovaries and uterus. For gents, it protects from  prostrate gland enlargement.The Kapalabathi Pranayam  is nothing but purification of body. It removes unwanted toxins from the stomach and carbon dioxide from lungs. The Kapala bathi is Sanskrit words. Kapalam means Head and bathi means shining or glow. Kapalabhati Pranayama  should be practiced in empty stomach.
Sit, in either  Sidhasana or Padmasana position. Keep your spinal cord straight, head straight and Mudra facing the sky, close your eyes and then Exhale, exhale and forcibly exhale, do not worry about inhalation that will take place  automatically with in a fraction of seconds. While exhalation pull your stomach as much as possible to touch your spinal. During  pranayama do not shake your body, do not shrink  your face and eyes.  Do't do it fast or slow, just one second one stroke. Practice Kapalabhati 5mts to 15mts every day in the morning. Please see above video.

Kapalabhathi Protects and cures number of disorders like :

  • Controls  B.P ( Hyper Tension ),
  • Controls Diabetes ( High Sugar),
  • Removes excess cholesterol and maintains cholesterol level in your body,
  • Removes excess fat from your body and reduce the body weight ( Obesity),
  • cures gastric problem and ulcer problem,
  • Removes nose blockage and running nose,
  • Cures Cold, Cough,
  • Cures allergic bronchitis ,Asthma,wheezing problem,
  • Cures palpitation and Parkinson diseases,
  • Protects ovaries and uterus for ladies,
  • Protects from prostrate gland enlargement for gents.

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