Thursday, October 27, 2011



(Natural Solution for Healthy Life)


It is not an exaggeration to say that more than 10% of people suffer from diabetes in our country. There is no age restriction to the disease from a week baby to 60 year old to affect the disease.

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a disorder of metabolism, the way our bodies use digested food for growth and energy. Most of the food we eat is broken down into glucose. After digestion, the glucose mix with blood stream, where it is used by cells for growth and energy. For glucose to get into cells, insulin must be present. Insulin is hormone produced by the Pancreas, a large gland behind the stomach.

When we eat, the pancreas automatically produces the right quantity of INSULIN to move glucose from blood into our cells. Generally, people with diabetes, however, the pancreas either produces little or no insulin or the cells do not respond appropriately to the insulin that is produced. Glucose builds up in the blood, overflows into urine, and passes out of the body in the urine. Thus, the body loses its main sources of fuel even though the blood contains large quantities of glucose.


- Frequent urination

- Too much Thirst

- Too much hunger

- Loss of weight

- Loss of vision

- Tiredness

- Delayed healing of wounds or cuts

- Numbness in the hands and legs

- Weakness

- itching sensation

- Skin diseases

- Burning feeling while passing urine

- Too much white discharge in woman.


- Fasting blood sugar - early morning in empty stomach is 80 mg to 115mg.

- Post paradial blood sugar - Two hours after food is below 180 is normal.

If the blood sugar is above 200mg. along with other symptoms the person is said to suffer diabetes.


• Hereditary,

• Over Eating ,

• Over Weight,

• Lack of Exercise,

• Mental stress and strain,

• Due to Some Drugs,

• Because of Age,

• Because of Contagious diseases.


The Diabetes will attract a variety of diseases. Diabetes can affect any part of the body like Eyes, Kidneys, Blood vessels, Nervous and Heart. Once those parts are affected, it is really difficult to get back to normal condition. Besides, the patient will subject himself to much agony. So, it is better to keep oneself away from those complications by practicing Yoga, good food habits, regular exercise and proper drugs, before it becomes too late.


YOGA : Ancient Indian medical system, Ayurveda, the philosophy of which also encompasses Yoga, considers diabetes as a psychosomatic disorder with causative factors being sedentary habits, physical, emotional and mental stress.

Yoga postures were developed thousands of years ago in India and were designed to assist man to counteract the effect of living a life far different from the one we were designed to live by nature.

All Asanas and Pranayama techniques meant to treat diabetes, are known to influence in the following ways:

1. Direct influence on Pancreatic secretion by rejuvenation of the pancreatic cells, through alternate abdominal contraction and relaxation.

2. Reduction in blood sugar due to muscular exercise involved in Asanas.

3. Yoga changes one's attitude towards life by developing mental relaxation and balance.

4. Reducing the activity of autonomic nervous system.

5. Reducing the weight of the individual.

6. Providing will power to follow the strict diet regimen required.

7. Consumption of daily doses of medicines can be drastically reduced and eventually stopped by the continuous practice of  Yoga. This is scientifically proved fact.


Kapalpathi Pranayam

• Bhahaya Pranayam

• Agnisar Pranayam



• Mandukasana

• Pavana Mukthsana

• Divya Chakrasana

• Markatasana

• Brisk Walking 1/2 to 1 hr


Amla, Garlic, Pumpkin, Bitter gourd, Onion, Tomato, Papaya, Snake gourd, ladies fingers. Drumstick fresh and cooked vegetable leaves. Take Menthe leaves and menthe powder regularly.


- Sugar, Honey, Jaggery, glucose and all sweets,

- Cashew nuts, almond, Pista, Dry grapes,

- Cool drinks, alcohol, Horlicks, Boost, Complan,

- Tender coconut water and tender coconut,

- Banana, mango, Jack fruit, custard apple,Sapota,

- Maida, cakes, glucose biscuits,

- Potatoes, and all root Vegetables,

- Ghee, butter, Cheese, coconut oil, Palm oil, Gingelly Oil etc.,


Low Blood Sugar means not having enough sugar or glucose in the blood. Low blood sugar is also called hypoglycemia, insulin shock, or insulin reaction. Glucose is needed by the body cells. A normal blood sugar level is 80 - 115mg in Fasting. When the blood sugar is below 70 is called low sugar. The normal blood sugar level less than 180 to 200mg % after two hours of food.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


The Kapalabhati Pranayam is one of the Important and exciting Pranayama. The kapalabhati  Pranayam purifes your body.The kapalabhati pranayama activate all your internal organs. It rejuvenate internal organs. It activate your internal organs like heart,esophagus,nostrils lungs,liver, gallbladder, kidney, small intestine, big intestine, spleen, stomach and pancreas. For ladies, it activate ovaries and uterus. For gents, it protects from  prostrate gland enlargement.The Kapalabathi Pranayam  is nothing but purification of body. It removes unwanted toxins from the stomach and carbon dioxide from lungs. The Kapala bathi is Sanskrit words. Kapalam means Head and bathi means shining or glow. Kapalabhati Pranayama  should be practiced in empty stomach.
Sit, in either  Sidhasana or Padmasana position. Keep your spinal cord straight, head straight and Mudra facing the sky, close your eyes and then Exhale, exhale and forcibly exhale, do not worry about inhalation that will take place  automatically with in a fraction of seconds. While exhalation pull your stomach as much as possible to touch your spinal. During  pranayama do not shake your body, do not shrink  your face and eyes.  Do't do it fast or slow, just one second one stroke. Practice Kapalabhati 5mts to 15mts every day in the morning. Please see above video.

Kapalabhathi Protects and cures number of disorders like :

  • Controls  B.P ( Hyper Tension ),
  • Controls Diabetes ( High Sugar),
  • Removes excess cholesterol and maintains cholesterol level in your body,
  • Removes excess fat from your body and reduce the body weight ( Obesity),
  • cures gastric problem and ulcer problem,
  • Removes nose blockage and running nose,
  • Cures Cold, Cough,
  • Cures allergic bronchitis ,Asthma,wheezing problem,
  • Cures palpitation and Parkinson diseases,
  • Protects ovaries and uterus for ladies,
  • Protects from prostrate gland enlargement for gents.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


  The Anulom violoma Prayayama is very very important pranayama. The Anulom Viloma Pranyama is other wise calling as Sarva roga nivarani ( Cures all diseases) and Nadi Suthi Prayayama ( Purifies all channels of the body) The Anulom Vilom activate all 72000 of Nadies in the body and also rejuvenate all systems in the body.

Sit in a comfortable position either in Padmasana or Vajrasana, keep spinal cord straight head straight left hand Mudra facing the sky and close your eyes.

First step: Close your right nostril  with your right hand thumb and then slowly inhale through your left nostril to fill your lungs with full capacity. Remember , for the practice of this pranayama, always start and finish the breathing from the left nostril.

Second Step: Close your left nostril with your right hand two centre fingers and then open your right nostril by removing your right thumb and slowly exhale through your right nostril to empty your lungs.

Third step: In the same position (with left side nostril closed), slowly inhale through your right side nostril to fill your lungs with full capacity and then close your right nostril with right hand  thumb. After opening your left nostril and exhale slowly  through your left nostril.(Avoid abrupt and violent inhalation or Exhalations)

Like that, one should practice Annulom vilum Pranayama regularly every day morning 5 to 10 mts in the open and air circulation area to activate ida Nadi  and Pingala Nadi. When activate these two Nadies, automatically the shusmna Nadi will activate. Practice this Pranayama for 10  to 15 minutes in the morning before sun rise.

One should do it slow inhalation and slow exhalation don't do it fast. Inhalation minimum 5seconds and exhalation minimum 5 seconds.


 Ida Nadi is sanskrit word. Ida means 'comfort' and is located on our left nostril. This is other wise calling as Chandra nadi (Moon nadi) This nadi controls brain or mental related process. This Ida nadi improves thinking power ( Brain power)  also gives cooling effect your brain and ultimate nourishment to the body and mind and soul.


The Pingala Nadi, is other wise calling as Surya Nadi ( Sun Nadi or Solar Nadi). The right side nostril is call called Pingala Nadi. It is responsible for body growth and provides energy to the body.


 When we activate both Ida Nadi and Pingala nadi properly, the Sushumna Nadi will automatically   activate all your systems in your body. The human body having thousands of systems. Among all the following Eight systems are very very important.
Immunisation System,nervous system, respiratory system, blood regulator system,digestive system, excretory system, skeleton system, and reproductive system.


  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Removes blocks in heart and lungs.
  • Protects from hyper tension ( B.P ).
  • Brings ccholesterol under control.
  • Get rid of tonsillitis and thyroid problem.
  • Prevents and cures Parkinson disease.
  • Also cures Margarine headache.
  • Keeps in very good general health for ever.


Sit in either sidhasana or Padmasana. Always keep your spinal straight, head straight, mudhara facing the sky. Keep your mind cool and calm. No thinking  in mind, entire concentration on breathing. Deep inhalation and Deep exhalation. Deep Breath in and breath out. Inhalation slowly and steadily with minimum 5 seconds. The same way exhalation slowly and steadily at least 5 seconds.

The Bhastika pranayam  is very important pranayama, it activate entire respiratory system in our body. It improves the function of lungs. Our lungs having 72 millions  of cells, we are using only one third of it  in normal breathing. Through bhastrika Pranayama, we can activate all our lung cells and improve the Oxygen intake capacity. The Oxygen is most important for all living beings. With out oxygen, there is no life. The Bhastika pranayama is  not only improves the in take of Oxygen but also gives you energy for your body. Bhastika pranayama nothing but energizing exercise.

Benefits: The Bhastika pranayam cures and controls  number of disorders like: It cures High per tension (High B.P), It removes nose blockage, running nose, cold, cough, allergic bronchitis, asthma, migraine head ache, palpitation, sinus and Parkinson diseases. Not only that your providing Oxygen each and every part and cells of the body. So, it removes skin rashes, skin diseases and also bright your skin.

It can be practiced either  in the morning before Sun rise or before sun set in the evening. One can practice every day  minimum 5 mts to 10 minutes.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Slokams for all

  Slokams -  Before stating Yoga Practice

Gayatri Mantram

Bhuh bhuvah swaha,
tat savituhvarenyam,
Bhargo Devasya Dheemashi,
Dhuyo yo nah prachodayat

Om shahan  Vavathu Sahanou Bhunktu,
Sahaveeryam Karavahai,
Tejas Vinavadhi tamstu,
Mavid Visha Vah vahai hi,
Om Shanthi Shanti Shanthi hi


Let us be together, Let us eat together,
Let us produce the energy together,
Let there be no limit to our energies,
Let there be no  ill feeling among us,
Om peace ... peace ... Peace.

Om Astoma Sadgamaya,
Tamasome Jyotirgamaya,
Mrutyorma Amrutangamaya,
Om Shanthi... Shanthi... Shanthi...


From untruth to truth
From Darkness to Light,
From mortality to immortality,
Om Peace .. Peace ... Peace.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

VAJRASANA ( Kneeling Pose)

Vajra means thunderbolt. Vajrasana  makes body strong.

Fold your both legs Kneel down and keep your spinal cord straight, head stright and hands on the knees.The whole body weight is supported by knees and ankles. Keep your knees closely.
  • cures peptic ulcer and acidity
  • Rheumatism is cured and prevented'
  • Strengthens pelvic muscles.
  • Best posture for meditation.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Shanthi Slokam

Prayer  for betterment of Universal Peace.

Om dehu shanti,
Om antarikham shanti,
Om Prithvi Shanti,
Om Aapa shanti.
Om ama shanti,
Om aushdhaya shanti
Om Vanaspataya shanti,
Om Vishwadeva Shanti,
Om Bramha shanti,
Om shanti dehu shanti edhi,
Om saravgyam shanti,
Om saravgyam shanti,
Om saravgyam shanti,
Om shanti, shanti shanti hi.

Meaning of above sloham:
First there should be peace in the universe,
then our Mother earth ,
then with in plant kingdom should be at peace,
the medicines that we take should be at peace,
we should be at peace like all of them, there should be Shanti all around.

Only when there is shanti all around, we can be at peace. This is the depth of the knowledge given to us by or ancient sages. This simple and key  conceipt to develop good health, success and wealth.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

SIDDHASANA (Perfect Pose)

Sidhasana is easy to practice. Siddhasana means the perfect Pose in Sanskrit. This is the popular posture for meditation.

Technique for Siddhasana

1. Sit down with the both legs stretched in front.

2. Place the left heel at the perineum ( Space between the anus and the scrotum)

3. Place the right heel against the public bones just above the genitals.

4. The sole of the left foot should be closely in touch with the right thigh. The right sole should spread along the left thigh.

5. Keep the elbows slightly bend and place the wrist of the both hands with respective knees and Palms facing the sky.


  • Improve blood circulatory system.
  • Awakens Kundalini Shakthi.
  • Cures indigestion .
  • Improves concentration.
  • Purifies all the Nadis.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


  • One must  have faith in Yoga.
  • One should practice paranayama systematically and correctly.
  • Positive thinking in mind. (What all benefit  you require, you must keep in mind and do it.)
  • Concentration is require while doing pranayam.
  • Take one to four tumblers of water to avoid dehydration.
  • Select a clean, peaceful and open area.
  • Select flat and comfortable surface to sit firmly.
  • Use mat or bed spread  (non conductor)to avoid earth magnetic power.
  •  Sit any one Asana of the following (according to your convenient)
a.      Padmasana
b.      Sidhasana
c.      Vajrasana
d.      Sughasana.
  • Keep your spine straight, head straight, Mudra  facing the sky to regulate blood flow.
  • Close your eyes  to avoid distractions.
  • Breathe only through Nostrils to enable to filter the air.
  • Practice only by empty stomach.
  •  Pranayama does not mean just inhalation, exhalation and holding breathe.
  • Pranayama controls and stimulate breathing process and maintain equilibrium and concentration of mind.
  •  Better to chant the Om mantra several times before stating Pranayaman.
Note:   Avoid Pranayama , when you are suffering from fever or illness  and pregnant ladies.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

PADMASANA( Lotus Pose )

Padma means Lotus in sanskrit. In this asana position of the legs look like blooming Lotus.This asana has significant place in Yoga.

The Techniques for Padmasana:

1. One must sit down with both the legs straight and keep the spinal cord straight.

2.Then slowly bend the right leg and place the right foot on the top of the left thigh, the sole facing upwards and the heel close to the pubic bone.

3. Then fold left leg and place the left foot on top of the right thigh. In this position the both the knees should touch the ground.The head and spinal cord should keep straight position.
4. Keep the elbows slightly bend and place the wrist of the both the hands on the respective knees and palms facing the sky.
5.Mudra facing the sky by joining the index fingers with thumb forming a small circle, called Dyana Mudra.
  • It stimulates the pelvis, Spine, Abdomen, and Bladder,
  • It stretches the ankle's and Knees,
  • Removes muscular tensions,
  • Improves digestion,
  • Activate mooladhara chakra,
  • Calming the mind,
  • Eases menstrual discomfort for ladies.