Sunday, January 9, 2011

SIDDHASANA (Perfect Pose)

Sidhasana is easy to practice. Siddhasana means the perfect Pose in Sanskrit. This is the popular posture for meditation.

Technique for Siddhasana

1. Sit down with the both legs stretched in front.

2. Place the left heel at the perineum ( Space between the anus and the scrotum)

3. Place the right heel against the public bones just above the genitals.

4. The sole of the left foot should be closely in touch with the right thigh. The right sole should spread along the left thigh.

5. Keep the elbows slightly bend and place the wrist of the both hands with respective knees and Palms facing the sky.


  • Improve blood circulatory system.
  • Awakens Kundalini Shakthi.
  • Cures indigestion .
  • Improves concentration.
  • Purifies all the Nadis.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


  • One must  have faith in Yoga.
  • One should practice paranayama systematically and correctly.
  • Positive thinking in mind. (What all benefit  you require, you must keep in mind and do it.)
  • Concentration is require while doing pranayam.
  • Take one to four tumblers of water to avoid dehydration.
  • Select a clean, peaceful and open area.
  • Select flat and comfortable surface to sit firmly.
  • Use mat or bed spread  (non conductor)to avoid earth magnetic power.
  •  Sit any one Asana of the following (according to your convenient)
a.      Padmasana
b.      Sidhasana
c.      Vajrasana
d.      Sughasana.
  • Keep your spine straight, head straight, Mudra  facing the sky to regulate blood flow.
  • Close your eyes  to avoid distractions.
  • Breathe only through Nostrils to enable to filter the air.
  • Practice only by empty stomach.
  •  Pranayama does not mean just inhalation, exhalation and holding breathe.
  • Pranayama controls and stimulate breathing process and maintain equilibrium and concentration of mind.
  •  Better to chant the Om mantra several times before stating Pranayaman.
Note:   Avoid Pranayama , when you are suffering from fever or illness  and pregnant ladies.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

PADMASANA( Lotus Pose )

Padma means Lotus in sanskrit. In this asana position of the legs look like blooming Lotus.This asana has significant place in Yoga.

The Techniques for Padmasana:

1. One must sit down with both the legs straight and keep the spinal cord straight.

2.Then slowly bend the right leg and place the right foot on the top of the left thigh, the sole facing upwards and the heel close to the pubic bone.

3. Then fold left leg and place the left foot on top of the right thigh. In this position the both the knees should touch the ground.The head and spinal cord should keep straight position.
4. Keep the elbows slightly bend and place the wrist of the both the hands on the respective knees and palms facing the sky.
5.Mudra facing the sky by joining the index fingers with thumb forming a small circle, called Dyana Mudra.
  • It stimulates the pelvis, Spine, Abdomen, and Bladder,
  • It stretches the ankle's and Knees,
  • Removes muscular tensions,
  • Improves digestion,
  • Activate mooladhara chakra,
  • Calming the mind,
  • Eases menstrual discomfort for ladies.