Tuesday, December 29, 2009




                                                               Meditation (Dhyana)      


Sleep is an un-conscious Meditation. Meditation is conscious sleep. In sleep we get limited energy. In Meditation we will get abundant energy. This energy is enhancing the power of body, mind, and intellects. Meditation is open the doors of our sixth sense and beyond. With this boosted energy through meditation we will get relax, healthy and happy. It also helps to greater heights in the physical realm.
Meditation is nothing but journey of our consciousness towards self realization. Meditation is consciously   travels to body, body to mind, mind to intellect, intellect to self and beyond. To do Meditation, first we must stop all the functions of our body and mind. That is body movement, seeing, speaking and thinking.
Now Let us know how to do meditation.
For Meditation, first thing is the posture. You may sit in any posture. Posture must be very comfortable and stable. We can meditate either on floor or on a chair. We can meditate any place, where ever you feel comfortable. Sit comfortably, cross your legs and your fingers. Now close your eyes. Stop inner and outer charter. Don’t chat any mantra. Just relax, totally relax, just relax.
When we cross our legs and hand fingers, the Energy circuit will forms and gives more stability. The Eyes are the doors of the mind. So, eye should be closed. Mantra chanting or any other chanting of inner or outer or any other activities of mind should be stopped.  When, the body relaxes the conscious travel to next zone. That is body, mind and intellect.
The mind is the bundles of thoughts. There are numerous thoughts are always coming into the surface of the mind. Where there are thoughts in the mind. We may get many questions it may be known or unknown to us. To transcend  the mind and intellect. One should observe the breath. Observation is the nature of self. So, one should just witness the breath. Don’t do conscious breathing. Don’t inhale or exhale consciously. Let inhalation and exhalation happens its own. Just observe normal breath. This is the main key for meditation. This is the way for meditation.
Don’t go behind thoughts; don’t think queries, questions, or thoughts. Come back to breath. Observe normal breathing. Be with your breath. Then the density of the thoughts reduces, thinner and shorter. Finally breath  becomes smallest. It settles like a flash in between two eye brows. In this state one will have no breath and no thoughts. He will be totally thoughtless. This state is called nirmal isthithy. Or no- thought state.
This is called meditative state. In this state, we will be under the shower of cosmic energy. The more meditation one does the more will be cosmic energy one receives. This cosmic energy flows through energy body is also called ethnic body.
1.       Gives high level of relaxation
2.       Lowers respiratory rate
3.       Reduces oxygen consumption
4.       Improves heart function
5.       Reduces  hypertension (B.P)
6.       Reduce muscle tensions
7.       Removes headache
8.       Improves self confidence
9.       Strengthens immune system
10.   Enhances energy, strength, vigor
11.   Protect from all types of allergies & arthritis
12.   Gives relaxation to nervous system
13.   Reduce energy waste,
14.   Strengthens the brain power
15.   Improves intelligence
16.   Decreases the aging process.
17.   Cures infertility for young people
18.   Improves hormones secretions
19.   Gives abundant energy
20.   Sharpens the eyes
Meditation (Dhyana) is the study of deep concentration,calm and tranquility of the mind. As the Meditation  grows , the mind goes on becoming more and more pure. When Meditation practice regularly leads to unconscious to subconscious state from subconscious to conscious state and from conscious to super conscious state. Awakening of sixth sense and beyond.


Monday, November 9, 2009


  1. Develop Strength and Energy

  2. Enhance Bone joints and mobility

  3. Increase blood circulation

  4. Improve positive thinking

  5. Removes back and neck pains

  6. Activate glandular secretions,

  7. Increase stamina and Endurance

  8. Improves digestion System Function

  9. Activate immunization system

  10. Increase Lungs Capacity

  11. Maintain Cholesterol and Blood sugar level

  12. Reduce Obesity,

  13. Boots vitality ,

  14. Increase Longevity of Life.

  15. Muscle tone up

  16. Self improvement can visibly seen by your friends and Relatives

  17. Learn good health habit 
  18. Handle on stress management successfully,

  19. Eliminate stress from your life.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Yoga is an essential part of life on earth to cure oneself from physical and mental ailments to keep a disease free from body and mind. The human beings on earth having capacity to adjust themselves from time to time to the prevailing environment. Like atmospheric pressure,temperature, different gases in the atmosphere.
Yoga improves our metabolism system. The metabolism is most important to keep your body healthy. Yoga  fine tunes the metabolism system in our body. Yoga removes all disorders in human  body. Yoga, particularly Kapalbathi Pranayama activate all your internal organs. It activate internal organs like heart, lungs, liver, gallbladder, kidney,small intestine, big intestine,stomach,Pancreas, spleen, for ladies it activates ovaries and uterus. For gents, it activate prostrate gland enlargement. The Onulom Vilom Pranayama is activate all Nadis in human body. There are 72000 of Nadies available in human body. The anulom Vilom activate all 72 thousands of nadies in human body.

Yoga particularly, Asanas activate external organs, skeleton system, nerves system , blood regulatory system and improves flexibility of body. Improves hormones secretions.

Each every activities of yoga is its own benefits.

Through yoga  one can unify and purify the Body Mind and Soul.




This simple and Very common among the people this method of yoga is very easy to follow as it does not require any technical and complicated process nor any special intelligence. It creates a feeling of security in man. He develops strong faith on  superior  natural power, ie., God, which is all powerful and merciful and will come to his rescue in time of need, protecting him from harm.


Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning action. Karma yogi do his duty without reservation and without expecting any return for his acts. A karma yogi utilizes his energy in doing good deeds.He does not run after pleasure.


It is a difficult process and can be achieved by persistent practice of mental disciple. According to Patanjali yoga to be made of eight parts in his Yoga sutra . He says five of the method eternal and three internal.One should avoid indulging in speaking lies,stealing,amassing wealth beyond one's requirement and cultivate the habit of keeping the body and mind clean and remain contented with his position. This yoga also called DHYANA YOGA or ASHTANGA YOGA

  1. YAMA
  7. DHYAN
  • YAMA means control and discipline,
  • NIYAMA means methods and principles,
  • ASANAS relate to make physical postures,
  • PRANAYAMA is kriyas with air,
  • PRATYAHAR is avoiding undesirable
  • DHARANA is concentration,
  • DHYANA is meditation and
  • SAMATHI is contemplation.

The most ancient art to keep fit physically and mentally. It is system of psycho physical exercises. This Hatha Yoga is comprises of three parts. Which are Asana, Pranayama, and meditation. Asana are carried out to make spine chord flexible and strengthen the nervous system and blood regulatory system.. They not only give strength to mind, it brighten the hidden powers of the spirit. stimulate the will power and ultimately raise a person to the state of self realisation.

Hatha Yoga is combination of Surya and  Chandra functions. Surya is prana the life force. It carries out the function of blood circulation and respiration.The Chandra performs the function of removing impurities from the body.


Yoga is the most ancient system of unification of the body, the mind and soul. It is otherwise know as scientific approach to keep the body and mind free from all disorders. It was practiced 1000 of years ago in our country and is being carried out even today. Our ancestors practiced with remarkable success to maintain good physics and to keep mind tranquil.

Yoga has been integral part of our vedantific philosophy, vedas, upanishads and Ramayana. Talk about it. Lord krishna also explained to Arjuna the secret of yoga in the Gita.

The science of Yoga was inherited from one generation to another. Among the earliest sages who contributed in laying the foundation of yoga system was Kapil who lived in 700 BC. He developed samkhya philosophy. He was of the opinion that the answer to human problem lay in acquiring 'Samayak Gyan' - Proper knowledge.

It was left to Sage Patanjali to show a method for obtaining the goal laid down by Kapil. While Kapil laid stress on acquiring 'gyan', the patanjali system deals with both the body,mind and soul.

Yoga is a psychophysical system of exercises based upon the knowledge of the relation between the body and the mind. It is in fact a key to reveal the mysteries of universal consciousness. It shows the way how people can conquer suffering, disease and death. It teaches how to stretch life span and enjoy a better living. We can also realize the self through ASANAS (body postures), PRANAYAMA( rhythmic breathing,) and MEDITATION (concentration)

Yoga is not merely a science dealing with various body postures, it is, apart being a source of sound health, gives eternal peace of mind. A regular practice not only adds years to life but leads to a meaningful life.

The medical science, which has developed in leaps and bounds has also reached the conclusion that, without taking into account the mind, it is not possible to cure the body. Thus yoga unites body, mind and soul.