Saturday, November 7, 2009


Yoga is the most ancient system of unification of the body, the mind and soul. It is otherwise know as scientific approach to keep the body and mind free from all disorders. It was practiced 1000 of years ago in our country and is being carried out even today. Our ancestors practiced with remarkable success to maintain good physics and to keep mind tranquil.

Yoga has been integral part of our vedantific philosophy, vedas, upanishads and Ramayana. Talk about it. Lord krishna also explained to Arjuna the secret of yoga in the Gita.

The science of Yoga was inherited from one generation to another. Among the earliest sages who contributed in laying the foundation of yoga system was Kapil who lived in 700 BC. He developed samkhya philosophy. He was of the opinion that the answer to human problem lay in acquiring 'Samayak Gyan' - Proper knowledge.

It was left to Sage Patanjali to show a method for obtaining the goal laid down by Kapil. While Kapil laid stress on acquiring 'gyan', the patanjali system deals with both the body,mind and soul.

Yoga is a psychophysical system of exercises based upon the knowledge of the relation between the body and the mind. It is in fact a key to reveal the mysteries of universal consciousness. It shows the way how people can conquer suffering, disease and death. It teaches how to stretch life span and enjoy a better living. We can also realize the self through ASANAS (body postures), PRANAYAMA( rhythmic breathing,) and MEDITATION (concentration)

Yoga is not merely a science dealing with various body postures, it is, apart being a source of sound health, gives eternal peace of mind. A regular practice not only adds years to life but leads to a meaningful life.

The medical science, which has developed in leaps and bounds has also reached the conclusion that, without taking into account the mind, it is not possible to cure the body. Thus yoga unites body, mind and soul.

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